Splitting up Proxmox cluster, to remove overhead
Read articleReplacing PERC6 raid controller with a HBA LSI card Dell R710
After running a PERC6/i for some years, I started to be tired by it's limitations. So I decided to replace it with a LSI card.
Read articleHosting git repositories for personal projects
Some rambling on how I have downsized from using Gitlab, to simply Git for personal, non-public, projects.
Read articleUpgrading Nextcloud Docker from 25 to 26
I encountered a issue upgrading from NC 26 to 27, which made me put it off for too long. The solution turns out to be as simple as changing a single line in the Dockerfile.
Read articleRunning Nextcloud OCC in kubernetes container
Read articleConfigure nfs share which is automounted by another device
Read articleUnbrick iDRAC
So, the iDRAC6 on my Dell R710 got bricked when attempting to update the lifecycle controller to… The front lcd was dead, and also the rear service led was unlit. This is how I was able to flash the old firmware without swapping the motherboard
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